
Sunday, September 21, 2014

People's Climate March Day Live: The Corporate Climate Crusade

One accidental keystroke and I deleted my brilliant blog which I wrote at 4AM about the climate march. I have not the time to write it all over. To summarize the march's psuedoanarchic structure led to a corporate take-over. When the money for ecological campaigning comes from players like BP, Dow Chemicals and Goldman Sachs we are all in trouble because the good will of many people has been hijacked by the system they are fighting against.

I spoke to a community organizer from a nearby area of the Bronx Mr. Raphael Schweizer. He believed the march to represent a "grassroots movement." Perhaps it does. But the march seems too organized and too mainstream. On the other hand the companies that sponsored the organizing for the march may have shot themselves in the foot. The march looked powerful. People were organized...and when more radical and realistic conversations take place, there may be more room for them.

I came into Manhattan for other reasons, and accidentally crossed the march. I'll share the ultimate in postmodern corporate nonsensical imaging I captured: the marchers could see themselves projected onto a screen.

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