Banks in the USA are part and parcel of an extreme casino economy. And like the fools they are, many Americans are lining up to lose their money at the slot machines and card tables. Wide eyed staring at the few who win big like Steve Jobs, they become convinced that if they just play hard and long enough, they too will one day be rich. They may indeed become insanely rich, with a life eased by an ever increasing supply of poor people willing to serve them for less and less money. But then again, most of them are more likely to become one of the servants. If they are very lucky. A high end nanny makes over 100,000$ a year with great benefits. Most pediatricians would be lucky to see that kind of money- and entire hospital floors of sick kids are much harder to care for than one or two rich brats. Who has the money for $100,000 a year nanny? Well exactly who you would expect in the casino economy: a few occasional winners, but mostly the guys who own and run the casino. The banking class is happy to see us come in and bet: they are making money off of our losses.
Some Americans want to risk it all for a potential reward. They want to risk even when there is no money to risk so they go in for loan after loan. Student loans beyond a certain point are the slot machine area of our new economy. Playing poker for a living is probably a more secure career track than some of what people get themselves into through higher education. Apparently no one tells the grad students that studying fascinating topics like the philology of Ladino or rural semiotics has them aiming for tenure with odds that make the craps table look good. If the banks are Vegas, the education system is Atlantic City: programming students in directions that lead most of them to loss, while a few will gain immense riches.
Americans on average can not be logical, and it would be foolish to expect their prudence. They seem to rather enjoy the miserable state they have placed themselves in. Just ask them about how much better it might be in a more socialistic country, and they will tell you how horrible it might be to pay higher taxes. If you mention that these taxes would let them live without fear that they are one illness away from bankruptcy and one job away from homelessness; they get confused and annoyed. They talk about fear of poverty as motivational and good, even if they are experiencing the misery of poverty themselves.
But there are groups of Americans who see clearly through the nonsense they have been fed. They understand the tyranny of a big brother government run by the banking sector and a few wealthy entities. They understand that most of us, being average will be better off not suffering for the good of the 1%. These groups exist all over the country and are of every political and demographic color. Maybe we all just need to start planning to break away. As a black person, I'm part of one of the groups with the most to hate about the current state. We have a flag and an anthem...can a currency be far ahead? The government probably killed Chokwe Lumumba to stop it. Free the land! And let the big banking class and their corrupt federal government lackeys leave!
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