
Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Police Brutality Against the Pregnant

The latest events in Sunset Park, another incident of NYPD brutality against a pregnant woman, are horrifying but not particularly surprising. Sunset Park is a working class immigrant Brooklyn neighborhood with a long history of trouble with the police.

El Grito de Sunset Park, a local group,  should be lauded for bringing such events to light. They are helping perform the real work police were supposed to do: protect us. On their facebook page where video of the assault was first posted there are a surprising  number of nasty comments from people with Anglo surnames. Such people wrote that such women as the pregnant woman pushed to the pavement are "idiots" and the local people 'lawless freeloaders' who should be arrested. Although the anonymous nature of the internet makes it impossible to know who these Facebook trolls are, the logical and probabalistic guess would be that they are members of the disgruntled white working class. By clicking the icon of one such  individual who criticized the beaten pregnant woman one can open a personal page with multiple posts about Nascar, the demographic defining hobby of the pale and penniless. It seems like the elites have trained part of the white working class to persecute and hate people like me, and not just the working class whites who sign up to become police officers.

Several versions of the news story include the detail that the woman has since bled from her vagina. I did not see the woman as a patient, but I would guess given the story she may have had a placental abruption. This detail was hidden from the press. It is too gruesome a reminder of how little respect the prevailing regime has for the lives of nonwhites.

An action is planned this Saturday in Sunset Park; see Facebook page for El Grito de Sunset Park for details on community actions.

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