
Thursday, March 5, 2015

Angry at the World's Science Reporters

For not understanding evidence based medicine.

I recently got into an online debate with some anti-vaxxers. What makes me so angry is not which side of the argument people take, but their total noncomprehension of biostatistics. People have no idea what it means to prove something scientifically. I'm going to put in an excerpt from Chapter 3 of my book. May a science journalist please read it and stop publishing nonsense....

A touch of statistical thinking is all you need to know to see through the nonsense of many articles that incorrectly misuse statistics and research. A real statistician might find my hints about statistics criminal in oversimplification. But the truth is plenty of doctors can barely do statistics. If you train at a top tier medical school there will be a heavy emphasis on research. Lower tier medical schools tend to work as if they were going to create clinicians only. I think this pattern is wrong on many levels. I do not think a medical doctor should have to add research to their career beyond training; however you really only learn to understand by doing in many cases. When I left Penn I went to Technion because of its emphasis on research. The amount of new material in medicine grows exponentially. There are now always over a hundred new studies in any given field coming out. Any good doctor who stays good past medical school has a few specific characteristics. One is the ability to comprehend and weigh new research. In the American system new research cannot change the way you practice medicine. In the US every doctor dreads being hauled into court. At that point you are going to prey whatever you did was in line with the guidelines for your specialty. But what about those of us who want to do more, to give our patients the very, very best medicine has to offer. When you have exhausted everything within the guidelines, the treatments that might work are experimental. But knowing what works and what is oh so much pharm company deception is a matter or understanding statistics.
  Let’s start with the big picture. What is science? Science is the best method humanity has developed to understand reality. Science is a process, not a group of static facts. Science as a field is a sort of competition to see who can get the truth about any given reality. The referee in the competition is always statistics. Statistical analysis is central to the process of all sciences. The process of science can be distilled to a sequence. Here it is: the science six step:

1. Observe stuff
2. Make some ideas about why things work the way they do
3. Refine these ideas into stuff you can actually test (hypotheses)
4. Examine the existing evidence for your hypotheses
5. If there is not enough evidence to draw firm conclusions, do some experiments
6. Evaluate the data already existing and possibly data from your experiments 

 So there you have it. It doesn’t really matter that much whether we are talking about something as esoteric as quantum mechanics or something as banal as biology. Science is the same. The process is universal. Ultimately it’s hard to know what reality is, but you can very easily figure out what it isn’t. If you understand the mistakes people make in the statistical analyses of studies, you can see through a lot of nonsense. People, and even a lot of scientists, usually trip on step number six in my schema of science. To evaluate data you need statistical analysis. But a really good scientist is using statistical knowledge from at least step four forward.
Not everyone needs to or should work as a scientist. The world could probably get along without us easier than it could get along without farmers. Our lives are enhanced by the millions of people who are not scientists. Artists, cake bakers, well diggers and so on are all contributing a lot to society. The problem is that all these people, and even their leadership frequently misunderstand science. Those we have trusted to interpret science for them, often journalists with limited training in science, often misrepresent it and its results. I think none of this is going to stop anytime soon due to the poor state of education in the USA. Fortunately with a little training even a well digger can see through the nonsense that flies into print. Many science articles are full of mistakes.  
The three most useful to understand mistakes in scientific studies in my opinion are selection bias, recall bias and what I call underpowering. If you can understand these three concepts, the next time someone points out something to like the fact that her grandmother and mother both conceived past forty as proof that you have nothing to worry about at 35, you will be able to cut them down to size and tell them about reality.
A recent example of bad research I saw was an article a friend posted to Facebook. The article claimed proof that nonvaccinated children were healthier than vaccinated ones. All participants were children of parents in a parenting group dedicated to not vaccinating their children. If you have training in statistics at all you can see what a scientific train wreck the article was already, and you may want to skip the explanation in the next paragraph.
The article is a perfect example of a lot of problems. Selection bias: is a group of parents in an anti-vaccine group representative of the general population? What is half of them got thereafter kid number one got an illness they linked in their mind to vaccination? Recall bias: In recording disease and health people don’t recall things exactly the way they were. The classic example is the mothers of deformed babies. They remember themselves as having taken medicines during pregnancy, and wonder if they made the wrong choice. The truth is most women take some medicine during pregnancy. Most women who get normal kids tend to forget they took something. The woman with the formed baby will sit there and guilt trip herself out over every time she even looked at acetaminophen. We see what we want to see, or sometimes don’t want to see, when we look back. The parents in the study my friend posted to facebook recorded their children’s diseases. If they had a preconceived notion that their unvaccinated kid was always healthy, they may have forgotten a few illnesses. Finally the article was weak because it was not powered to prove anything to begin with. Power, in terms of a study, could be thought of as the ability to proclaim the conclusions of the study scientifically true. Power is, to be precise, the probability that the study will correctly lead to the rejection of the false null hypothesis. The null hypothesis is that the conclusion asserted was not true. A study gets more power based on the sample size. The size of an effect also effects power, but for a study like this one on vaccines the main power issue was sample size. The next time someone tells you about one case of something happening as proof, think of it as a study of one single subject. How much power does a study of one single subject have? Very, very little; essentially none. The next time someone makes a scientific assertion about a whole population to you based on one single case rest assured that it proves not much except that whoever told it to you doesn’t understand science.
I am passionate about science. But we don’t need scientific studies to tell us everything. Many things are obvious. For example , we don’t need a scientific study to tell us that women between 60 and 70 don’t get pregnant naturally. It’s obvious. Nonetheless many bad scientists try to sneak claims nearly as outrageous into the literature.  I feel we would all be better off if we all learned biostatistics; but realistically it won’t happen. To help dispel any future myths produced in the future by bad scientists and uninformed science writers I am including a checklist to evaluate supposedly scientific claims on fertility.
1.       What are the author’s scientific credentials? Circle one: an MD or DO; a PhD; an MPH or MS in biostatistics; this author has no known scientific credentials
Anyone can write something that is correct, but if the author is not trained in biostatistics it is highly likely he or she might unknowingly misrepresent the situation. On the other hand plenty of PhDs make science mistakes. Just having a degree behind your name does not prove much.

2.       Is the author’s claim in line with what we see in reality?

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. The more outlandish a claim is the more proof it should require. If someone claims most women can give birth after menopause if they simply take vitamins, you would want to see the highest levels of scientific proof for such a claim. In this case the highest level of proof would be several studies including a blinded randomized controlled trial on many subjects.

3.       If there is a study cited, does the study have enough subjects?
Single case reports, or case series prove very little. Any one person can be an anomalie. Generally speaking reliable trials include hundreds of subjects. If someone tells you about a study with 5 people, it could be interesting; but it couldn’t be powered to prove much almost by definition.

4.       Was the study published in a reputable journal?
There are plenty of nonsense journals which will publish anything. And with the advent of the internet anything is publishable. The peer review process is not perfect, but like democracy, it’s basically the best system we have come up with until this point. If the study was published in a very disreputable journal, beware!

5.       Are the studies author’s funded in such a way that they have a financial interest in proving a certain point?
It is possible that an author does a great study and just happens to prove whatever point the pharm company paying him wants proven because it is true. On the other hand it happens too often to be a chance occurance. Dr. Ben Goldacre has written about such phenomenon extensively. For lots of good highly readable information about the pitfalls of bad science he can’t be beat.

 And there...please read me all you idiot science writers who write articles like "Study of Three Infants PROVES vaccines cause measles"!

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