
Tuesday, March 24, 2015

My Israel, My Israelis

After quite a process (OK, let's be honest a never ending vikuach...) I am going for an interview with a Zionist organization tomorrow for the purposes of my Aliya (Jewish immigration to Israel).

I am quite aware of all the politics around Israel, but all I can think of is my friends. How much I miss them. The Israel I love is not a totally individualistic society like the USA. We are a collective society to some extent. If you live this every day it's hard to see, but we bring a new meaning to the word nation. I miss my friends so much...Argoye, Dani, Michelle, Eyal, Miki, Yoni, Sandra, Leem, Adele, Tamir and even you angry Ori and many more... for me you are Israel. And I hope soon my paperwork gets the final stamps, and I will be finally officially Israel too.

It's hard for Americans to imagine the togetherness of Israelis. Even Americans in Israel question me about why I don't just want to make more $$ in the US. I was actually offered a nice position in a hospital here...but I turned it down. There is always the question with any decision of what you are giving up. I would never give up you, haverim Israelim. It's also hard for Israelis to understand the level of love I feel for Israel from the green and blue of the Galilee/Ha Galil to the skyscrapers of Tel Aviv to the deserts  to the Hot beaches of Eilat. Paradoxically sometimes for people not born in Israel our nation and land are even more important to us. It sounds crazy, but I think I'm going to be one of those olim who drops and kisses the ground. But even more important to me than the land are my friends. I can't wait to see all of you. I may email my flight info....I'm not sure I'll be going on a typical Aliya flight or what. I sort of imagine myself getting off the plane either coming in a group being surrounded by all that flag waving and being weirded out or if I come alone feeling isolated. But one thing is for sure, I want to see you soon!

If anyone happens to have the time to meet me....Yalla! Give me 5 seconds to kiss the ground, and then we can dance because I'm coming home!

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